Slight Edge Media & Promotions is the new sister company of Slight Edge Events. Our main focus is marketing and promotion for musicians of all genres. Slight Edge Events will now focus strictly on artist management of their own artists.

Although marketing is not centered around or limited to KwaZulu Natal, our most urgent and pressing desire is to see KwaZulu Natal grow into the flagship province it has the potential to be in the music industry.
We are also extremely passionate about seeing the underground scene get the lift it so desperately needs, which will ultimately push every level above that up a few notches.
The ultimate dream is to see the South African Music Industry takes it place on the World Stage, not as the poor step sister or the black sheep sucking the hind tit.
To that end, everything that supports that will be driven from this page also - be it promoting education and development or marketing and promoting musicians.
Thank you for all your support so far,. Without you, we would never be doing this.