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Sick Leave and The Blanket Dance


Have you ever struggled with waking up and going to work?

Do you remember the excuses that played themselves out in your mind?

SICK LEAVE AND THE BLANKET DANCE is coming to Durban!!!!

It is scheduled to perform at Wushwini Pan African Arts Centre, opposite the Inanda Dam on the 1st and 2nd March 2019.

There are 2 shows on both days.

They start at 2pm and 7pm.

Tickets are available from and Pick'n Pay.

Martin is struggling to wake up to go to work.

Although he acknowleges that his job experience had not always been hard, he now has many dislikes that make him reluctant to go to work everyday.

He hates everything from the colleagues to the scent of the office .

He thinks of various reasons he could provide as an excuse for not going to work.

Each excuse is delightfully good until he thinks of the repercussions.

This show is a must see for everyone who has ever struggled to wake up and go to work or school!

This show written and performed by Makhubalo Cuba Ikaneng was written in 2016 and performed for the first time by Sello Maepa at the MMABANA CULTURAL CENTRE in Mahikeng, North West Province.



“A lot of people say SICK LEAVE AND THE BLANKET DANCE is about them. Most are actually relieved that they are not the only ones going through the despair and frustration of going to a job they don’t like anymore.

That is why it is important for us to do this show. Many workers think they are alone in their workplace struggles.

With this show and open conversations after performances, we hope to provide a space to share experiences with the hope that it will ease the burden they now suffer in silence.” Said Lungile Ikaneng, director and producer of the show.

To ensure that our message is spot on, the team asked Paula Taylor to help us identify the possible impact of SICK LEAVE AND THE BLANKET DANCE towards the targeted audience.

Paula Taylor is a pyschotheparist and Coping Skills Coach. She has an MA in Humanistic Pyschotherapy (Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia) .

“This one man show is a powerful representation of something that many people can relate to in this modern world. The rat race. The getting up every morning and fighting that devil on your shoulder that begs you to stay home, to quit, to go back to sleep. Makhubalo captures the internal struggle that is so often faced. He highlights issues of bullying, making financial mistakes, being taken advantage of and self-worth and pride. This Conversation Starters piece gets you thinking and laughing, commiserating and relating. It is a must see! If learners watch it, they will get a sense of workplace challenges that await them in the future. They will also have empathy for their parents who work hard,This is important to us because we want the show to go to workplaces and be an effective conversation starter between employers, managers and employees. ” Paula Taylor said.



To ensure that the Wushwini shows have a lasting impact on those who will come to watch them, we have included 4 conversations after each of the four performances. These conversations are aimed at ensuring that the audience members can immediately get advice on the issues raised in the play. There are also conversations about building the arts and sharing skills with young artists.

These are free talks for people with Sick Leave And The Blanket Dance tickets.

“This is what we learned about the play in the North West. People started talking about their own issues. This time we are more prepared for the conversations that always come up after the play.” Said Cuba Ikaneng, writer and performer.

The first conversation will be held by Paula Taylor, a coping skills coach and pychotherapist. With this talk she will help audiences with skills to better cope with workplace stress. This talk will take place after the 2pm show on the 1st of March 2019.

The second conversation will be aimed at helping artists know what they need to do to be successful artists.

This conversation will be hosted by Sheridan Rupert (Slight Edge Events), a music promoter and artist agent.

Makhubalo Cuba Ikaneng will join her and answer all questions relating to film, theatre and book publishing.

This conversation will take place after the 7pm show on the 1st of March 2019.

YOUNG AUTHORS BOOK INITIATIVE (YABI) is a project that teaches learners basic writing skills by taking them through a short story writing process that culminates in their work being published into a collection. Lungile Ikaneng, will be conducting a workshop to sign up and to give new participants basic skills in writing short stories. This will take place after the 2pm show on the 2nd March 2019.

The final conversation will take place after the 7pm show on the 2nd March 2019. This will be a labour law conversation, where audiences can ask questions about their workplace issues and challenges.



Makhubalo Ikaneng is a South African author, theatre and television director.

He is also a film producer.

Makhubalo’s directing credits include:

- Take 5 (SABC 1),

- The Enterprise Zone (SABC 1)

- Vukuzenzele (SABC 1)

- Big Up (SABC 1)

- Buddyz on the move (SABC 1)

- It’s Gospel Time (SABC 2)

- Gospel Gold (SABC 1)

- Ba Kae? (SABC 1)

- The Chatroom (SABC 1)

His film credits in writing and directing include:

- Sugar Mommy (eTV),

- Mapule We (eTV) , - Ulibambe Lingashoni (eTV)

- No Easy Money (eTV)

- Cell 3 (eTV)

- The Unexpected (eTV) , - Ubuntu And Anger (Kokota Empowerment/Vudubox Media)

- Vuka Lova (Kokota Empowerment/Vudubox Media)

- Kitchen Girl (Kokota Empowerment/Vudubox Media).

Makhubalo’s theatre projects include:

- “Sick Leave and the blanket dance” (Mmabana Cultural Centre)

- The Ubuntu Nest The Musical Trilogy (Wits Theatre, Golden Horse Casino, Hexagon Theatre).

- “Be a better dog” (Botho Festival, Kokota Stories Festival, Wits Theatre, National Arts Festival, Olive Tree Theatre, Soweto Theatre, United Solo Festival - New York)

Makhubalo has directed theatre festivals such as the Kokota Theatre Festival at the UKZN (Edgewood Campus) and the Umphithi Festival in Pietermaritzburg.

He was the musical theatre mentor for SABC 1’s Future Leaders group in the North West Province.

He is also the creator of the Shayina Film and Television Expo and the Young Author’s Book Initiative (YABI) that are both aimed at introducing learners to film, TV and literature writing.




Lungile Ikaneng is a graduate of UKZN with a BA degree in Drama and English.

She is an experienced theatre and film producer.

Amongst the theatre productions she has worked on is

- Ska Nkatamela Tsotsi – Wits Theatre (1999)

- Be a better Dog – Botho Festival (2014)

- Ubuntu Nest: Painter’s Story – Golden Horse Casino (2017)

- Ubuntu Nest: The Ears and Heart of Time – Wits Theatre (2017) - Ubuntu Nest: Matric Farewell Dress – Hexagon Theatre (2018)

In 2014, she was the organiser of the KOKOTA STORIES FESTIVAL at Gcina Mhlophe Drama Studio at the UKZN – EDGEWOOD CAMPUS.

She was also the organiser of the SHAYINA TV AND FILM EXPO 2016 (Howick – KZN).

Lungile is also a film producer. She produced the films: Kitchen Girl (2013) and Ubuntu And Anger (2014).

She is a professional book editor and publisher and is the managing editor of the Young Authors Book Initiative (YABI).



We invite workers and the public to come see the show and participate in the after show conversations. This will ensure that we reduce the frustrations that many feel about going to work. We also want managers and employers to come to the show. We trust that this show and conversations, will lead to better workplace relations and growth.



CONTACT NUMBER: 079 755 2254

#SickLeaveandTheBlanketDance #LungileIkaneng #MakhubaloCubaIkangeng #ConversationStarters #UbuntuandAnger #YoungAuthorsBookInitiative #YABI #KitchenGirl #ShayinaTVandFilmExpo2016 #KokotaStoriesFestival #GcinaMhlopheDramaStudio #SkaNkatamelaTsotsi #Beabetterdog #UbuntuNest #PaintersStory #TheEarsandHeartofTime #MatricFarewellDress #MagicRiceandaRubbishLife #DeadWifeCalling #Heartlessandotherstories #FutureLeadersGroup #UmphithiFestival #SheridanRupert #SlightEdgeEvents #SlightEdgeMediaPromotions #DurbanRocksXperience #ProudlyKZN #KwaZuluNatal #USA #SouthAfrica #VukaLove #TheUnexpected #Cell3 #NoEasyMoney #UlibambeLingashoni #MapuleWe #SugarMommy #Take5 #TheEnterpriseZone #Vukuzenzele #BigUp #Buddyzonthemove #ItsGospelTime #GospelGold #BaKae #TheChatroom #Theatre #FilmProducer #Cuba #labourlaw #WushwiniPanAfricanArtsCentre



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